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Innovative Dental Implants

Replace Teeth Lost To Oral Problems And Injury

Replace your missing teeth with a long-term, permanent solution from Harvey H Breckner DMD MS. Whether you're missing one tooth or many teeth due to gum disease, tooth injury, decay, or trauma, dental implants are an innovative and effective solution.

Dr. Breckner is ready to help if you're missing any or all of your permanent teeth, which is not as uncommon as you may think. 

Statistics from the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) indicate that 69% of adults ages 35 to 44 have lost at least one permanent tooth and, by age 74, 26% of adults have lost all of their permanent teeth.
Dental implants

Dental Implants Are Permanent Solutions

As opposed to partials or dentures, which are removable, dental implants replace your missing teeth at the root and are permanently placed in your jaw. They can replace a single tooth or a complete arch, which is all the teeth in your upper or lower jaw.

A dental implant is composed of three parts.
  • A titanium implant that fuses with the jawbone
  • An abutment, which fits over the portion of the implant that protrudes from the gum line
  • A crown, which is created by a prosthodontist or restorative dentist and then fitted onto the abutment to create a natural appearance
Ready to find out if dental implants are right for you? Call 618-307-3267 or contact us now to schedule a FREE consultation!

The Advantages Of Dental Implants

Dental implants offer a range of advantages.
  • Replace the tooth root (unlike bridges that rely on the adjacent teeth for support)
  • Never slip and never make embarrassing noises 
  • Never decay
  • Look and feel like your natural teeth
  • Make eating more comfortable and easier 
Dental implant

Don't Let Missing Teeth Go Untreated

Besides the lack of confidence that you may experience from having a less-than-the-ideal smile, missing teeth can have long-term negative effects on your overall oral health.
  • Problems with adjacent tooth movement
  • Bone loss around remaining teeth
  • Problems eating and speaking
  • Gum and bone recession

Implants May Be Your Alternative To Dentures

If you’re missing all of the teeth on your upper or lower jaw, a fixed full-arch dental implant prosthesis may offer you an alternative to dentures.

Because the treatment involves placing multiple implants in the gum that will securely attach to a custom-made prosthetic, a fixed full-arch implant prosthesis requires careful planning and coordination before the process ever begins.

This is a permanent solution that offers a very natural feel and look. A fixed full-arch implant is also called a hybrid implant prosthesis because it is a cross between a bridge and a denture.
Dental implants

Evaluations Determine Your Prospects

Dental implants aren't for everyone, so you will need an evaluation to determine if it is an appropriate treatment for you.

The dental implant procedure varies according to your need, how many teeth you're missing, the presence of gum disease or other oral health issues, jaw bone density, and other factors.

Ideal candidates also must have enough bone in the jaw to support the placement of the dental implant where the tooth is missing. Same-day implants for tooth replacement may be applicable.

As a skilled restorative dentist and a specialist in dental implants, Dr. Breckner can determine if they are right for you.
Call 618-307-3267
To Make An Appointment
Dr. Harvey H Breckner offers over 25 years of experience in both general and advanced dentistry.
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